Free software for song recording?

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education Free software for song recording?

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    Now that I got a daughter, I doubt I will have the kind of many to buy Cubase, or Pro Tools, I’d love to know if there are other options for me? I have guitarport together with riffworks 2 (and gearbox), but I’m looking for something when I have a bit more control over the digital drums. Is there any software at low prices/freeware I should check out?

    On a sidenote, did anyone try Bugera 333 XL amp? Is it a worthwile equipment?

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Yo Marcin, congrats on being a new dad. šŸ™‚

    I’m not personally aware of any free software that can truly handle drum sampling really well. However one thing you could consider is getting the “Essential” version of Cubase: Cubase Essential 4 or Cubase Essential 5. Those versions are significantly cheaper than the full Cubase versions, and they will handle everything you need with recording and sampling.

    Good luck with your search!


    I have the 333xl. I played with it weekly live for 2 years. No problems at all. I got mine after the faulty connectors killing the amps. You don’t have to worry about it anymore. The only thing I don’t like about it is that the knobs are plastic. They don’t feel as sturdy as metal knobs. But other then tactile issues, I think it sounds great for the price. You mentioned you have a daughter now though? The amp is 120 watts, and it is LOUD. If that isn’t an issue, then forget I said anything about it.

    If you are looking at doing nothing more then basic recording, I recommend Audacity. It is extremely basic, but it gets the job done if all you are looking to do is mic -> computer. Another program I have looked at is Reaper. It is a fully equipped DAW and has anything you could need. It is much cheaper then say, Pro Tools, and that is what I would get if you need more features then Audacity.

    edit: Disregard the Audacity suggestion… I misread the digital drums part.


    Reaper might be what you are looking for. Not exactly freeware, but the license allows you to try it as long as you want, so you may be able to tinker and play with it. The license for use is not expensive though, in case you use it regulary. You should check it out. Here:

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