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Guitar Tutorial

Moonlit Waters

Instructor: Sean Conklin
Topic: Cool Riffs
Style: Latin
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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Latin

    Excerpt: Hello Infinite Guitarists! In this song tutorial, we'll be learning a piece I wrote called "Moonlit Waters". It has a bit of a sexy, latin jazz feel to it. Once you watch the full video above, head on over to the next page to begin the first exercise. See you there!

    Media Length: 1:31

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Latin

    Excerpt: Picking-Hand Fingering T Thumb I Index Finger M Middle Finger A Ring Finger O Pinky Finger In Exercise 1, we're going to be accenting certain eighth note beats with the Cm7 and Bm7 chords. Throughout this song, we'll be using our picking-hand fingers to pluck a majority of the notes. In the tablatu...

    Media Length: 1:34

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Latin

    Excerpt: In this section, we're going to be playing an octave pattern on the Low E and D strings. Just like in Exercise 1, we have a lot of rests and space between the chords. Try adding that rhythmic effect that we discussed in Exercise 1 to this exercise as well. During those 8th note rests, bounce your picking hand subtly on the strings. When you have it down, l...

    Media Length: 1:41

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Latin

    Excerpt: Now we get to the main theme of the song. This part isn't too difficult, but be careful with your fingering on both the left and right hands. Using proper fingering will help the transitions between the parts go as smoothly as possible. Also, don't forget about the brief slides with your index finger on the Low E string in bars 10-12. Sliding those notes ra...

    Media Length: 1:37

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Latin

    Excerpt: Have fun with the backing track! Just for your reference, the backing track is at 138 bpm (beats per minute). If you ever make a recording of yourself playing along, be sure to post it in the forums! See you next time,Sean

    Media Length: 1:39