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Guitar Tutorial

Tapping with Pentatonics

Instructor: Mike Salow
Topic: Cool Riffs
Style: Rock
Level: Advanced
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  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Rock

    Excerpt: Hi guys! In this tutorial, we'll be talking about three different ways to tap out pentatonics! We will be in the key of E minor and will be using three different pentatonic boxes. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the pentatonic shapes below, if you haven't already. I'll be showing you each tapping style in the form of licks. These are purely just e...

    Media Length: 1:15

  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Rock

    Excerpt: Lick 1! In the first lick we'll be using the first two pentatonic shapes that were discussed. This lick is kind of in the style of Greg Howe or maybe even Michael Romeo of Symphony X. We'll be using two fingers from the left hand and one tapping finger on the right. We'll be leading with the first finger of our left hand with a hammer on from no where. F...

    Media Length: 1:28

  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Rock

    Excerpt: Lick 2! This one is very much using the Van Halen style of tapping. Leading with the tapping finger in the right hand. Again, three notes to each string but this time we'll be climbing up the strings in groups of three. This makes more sense when viewing the tab. Pay close attention and as always, take it slow! Enjoy!

    Media Length: 1:15

  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Rock

    Excerpt: The final lick/style of tapping pentatonics! This final lick was inspired by Guthrie Govan's approach to tapping 7th chord arpeggios but in our case, we'll be using pentatonics.  We finally will add in our third pentatonic shape, making our lick 4 notes per sting. We will again lead with our tapping finger in our right hand. I've chosen to use my 1st...

    Media Length: 0:48