Hello to Everyone……

Forums Introduce Yourself Hello to Everyone……

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    Thank you for having me. I cannot wait to learn more about this great instrument and make some music. I hope to make some new friends while making this journey of learning.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Welcome Ken, and thank you for your service, sir!

    What kind of music do you cater towards?


    Thank you….

    The type of music I like really depends on my mood and setting. There are times when I like to practice the Blues with a taste of rock. Other times, I like to practice power chords and rock out. I like playing chord progressions with a folk style. I really enjoy instrumental work and using scales. I would really like to learn how to combine scale work with chords. My goal is to become a fluent improviser. I would like to learn the guitar fret board inside and out, play scales and chords in blues, rock, and pop everywhere on the neck and be able to combine these shapes fluently.

    I know……this was a long answer. Thank you

    PS: I like your performance of “Trail and Error” Sean…….That’s the kind of music I like to play. Great Job!

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