Greetings from paradise!

Forums Introduce Yourself Greetings from paradise!

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    Hi there! This is Rafa from Costa Rica. I´ve been around here for a while but never participated in the forum. I´m about to record my band´s new album ( ) and right now we´re doing tons of pre production.

    So far I´ve applied so many things i´ve learned here! I´m always trying to come up with new ideas and IG is really helping me to shape my phrasing, technique and discover new aproaches. Love this site… I´ll make sure to share some of our new music when it´s done!

    Pd. I would LOVE some more lessons on fusion and phrasing.

    Cheers! 😎

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    Wow! Looks like you have a great following !!!!!!

    Welcome to the site – lots of lessons on fusion / phrasing to be added!

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Dude that is awesome. And yeah definitely share some of the new music with us when it’s ready!


    We do have quite a great group of followers, but that footage was when we played with Megadeth, when they came to CR a year ago.

    U guys rock! Luv your lessons guys. Keep ´em coming!

    I´ll share some music soon! It´s a promise! I´d love to have your feedback!

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