New "Old Guy"

Forums Introduce Yourself New "Old Guy"

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    Hey everyone, 45 year old novice here……….I’ve been tinkering with guitar,bass and a drums for about 24 years and I’m not real good at any of them, not good at all.

    But I love the music and want to spend more time with my guitar. My kids are growing up and all but 1 (of 5) are self sufficient, or on their way to it.

    Now I’d like to give real guitar playing a more serious shot and would like to play live somewhere before my time is up.

    I looked around on line and did the research and free membership thing. I was really drawn here by the vibe of the instructors and a few of the members and their skills.

    There looks to be many great musicians on this sight,you guys are incredible, if I can play 1/1000th of what I’ve seen it’ll be success for me.

    Well here goes……………………………

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  • Replies

    Welcome mate good to see another ‘oldie’ on here it’s a great site and their are some awesome players both teaching and interacting .Have fun and good luck with getting out there and playing live it’s the only way:)


    Hello there zungle! šŸ™‚

    Welcome aboard, and as scottiescott said, you are NOT ALONE as an “OLDIE” (I will turn 45 later this year! :rolleyes:) here – LOL! šŸ˜‰ I hope you find this Infinite Guitar site as fun and useful as I have, and I think you will! šŸ˜Ž

    Best of luck! šŸ˜‰

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Great to have you here zungle. Best of luck with your learning!

    I checked out your profile, great stuff. I think it’s awesome that you coach youth sports too. I remember the good ol’ days when I was into sports.

    Anyway glad you’re here man and I’ll see you around the forum!

    Rick Graham
    Rick Graham

    Welcome man, a pleasure to have you here!

    Tom Quayle
    Tom Quayle

    Hi there!

    Welcome to the site and best of luck with your guitar endeavours! Let us know if you have any requests for lessons or questions in general. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here!

    All the best,


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