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Guitar Tutorial

Scale and Mode Harmonization

Instructor: Robert Mussatti
Topic: Theory
Style: Any Style
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  • Instructor: Robert Mussatti Level: Intermediate Topic: Theory Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Most songs are built from chords that have their start in the major and minor scales. Each scale can be harmonized to produce different chords. Notes are stacked on top of each other in 3rds using only the notes from that scale or mode you're harmonizing. These chords are: 3-note chords (triads), 4-note chords (7th chords), 5-note chords (9th chords), 6-n...

    Media Length: 3:06

  • Instructor: Robert Mussatti Level: Intermediate Topic: Theory Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: In the harmonized natural minor scale, the I, IV, and V chord are minor. For practical purposes, the V chord is usually played as a dominant chord. This is here to help give us a stronger sense of resolution or pull to the I chord. The bIII and bVI chord are major. The ii chord is a minor 7b5 and the VII chord is a dominant. The number of notes in a cho...

    Media Length: 1:11