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Guitar Tutorial

The Half Whole Diminished Scale

Instructor: Mike Salow
Style: Fusion
Level: Advanced
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  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Scales Style: Fusion

    Excerpt: Hello again!  This month we'll be talking about the half whole diminished scale.  I've been exploring this scale a little further as of late and have found a few new ideas I hadn't considered before. So I thought I'd share with you not only some licks using this scale, but I'll also give you tips on how and where to use it.  The Half Whole ...

    Media Length: 2:34

  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Scales Style: Fusion

    Excerpt: When is the best time to use this scale? The truth is, there are many situations where this scale could be useful but we will talk about my favorite situations. First off, let’s consider what scale degrees we have available. In the Half whole Diminished Scale we have: 1 - b2 - #2/b3 - 3 - #4/b5 - 5 - 6 - b7 The first thing I notice is that we have a...

    Media Length: 2:56

  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Scales Style: Fusion

    Excerpt: The two ideas I've chosen to discuss in this tutorial are the major triads that exist within the scale as well as the dominant 7b5 arpeggios that exist. Starting with the major triads... Due to the series of half steps and whole steps in this scale we have 4 major triads within this scale: Off the 1 the b3 the b5 and the 6. This can also be viewed as havin...

    Media Length: 2:37

  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Fusion

    Excerpt: The following licks will utilize the dominant 7b5 arpeggios and will resolve to an A blues sound. Pay close attention to the tabs. These licks do not start on a downbeat. Lick 1 will begin on the "and" of 1 and Lick 2 on the "and" of 4. These licks can be played as 8th notes or 16th notes. I encourage you to start slow and work your way up to 16ths.

    Media Length: 1:37

  • Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Improvising Style: Fusion

    Excerpt: Please enjoy this backing track to practice using the half whole diminished scale.  

    Media Length: 4:09