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Guitar Tutorial

Know Your Major Scales

Instructor: Mike Edwin
Topic: Scales
Style: Any Style
Level: Beginner
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  • Instructor: Mike Edwin Level: Beginner Topic: Scales Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: How well do you know your Major scale? Can you play it all over the fretboard? In every key? Do you know where all the voicings of each particular major chord are? Do you know their inversions? Substitutions? If the answer to all these questions isn't immediately yes, I suggest you consider the following lessons carefully. To begin with, we will be lookin...

    Media Length: 2:29

  • Instructor: Mike Edwin Level: Beginner Topic: Scales Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Now for the scales. As you can see below we have a G major scale broken up into 5 Patterns. Each pattern has a corresponding voice of the G chord, one of each of the CAGED forms. The logic in these forms will become evident after you spend some time playing each pattern. Once you have a good feel for each form/pattern, you should try and move the chord for...

    Media Length: 1:43

  • Instructor: Mike Edwin Level: Beginner Topic: Scales Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: D Major Scale - CAGED Scale System OK guys. Here are your five patterns for the D Major scale. Remember to stay conscious of which chord form your playing over when you practice the pattern. Be it the C A G E or D form. This will help you visualize the different pattern's when improvising. Practice Slow with a metronome(if you have one) and play through ea...

    Media Length: 1:52

  • Instructor: Mike Edwin Level: Beginner Topic: Scales Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Bb Major - CAGED Scale System Here are your five patterns for the Bb Major scale. Remember to stay conscious of which chord form your playing over when you practice the pattern. Be it the C A G E or D form. This will help you visualize the different pattern's when improvising. Practice Slow with a metronome(if you have one) and play through each pattern. In...

    Media Length: 2:45