Amp and 4×12 cab question/opinion

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    Hey All!

    I have a 4×12 with 4 8 ohm speakers in it. Its wired mono so that’s a 8 ohm load if I am not mistaken. (I know its an 8 ohm load, I am deducing that it has 4 8 ohm speakers)

    Anyway, if they ARE 8 ohm speakers, and I want to change it to 2 stereo 2×12’s in the same cab I understand that I would have 2 16ohm cabs when done. 2 pairs of speakers, 16ohms for each pair.

    My concern lies in using a Line 6 spider 4 150 hd like this. It is 75×2 into 8 ohms. But you have to run it with 2 speaker loads. You can’t run it mono. So, if I rewire the cab to stereo and run 75×2 into 16ohms will I be left with enough power to get the cab loud enough to hear over a metal drummer?

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    Hey there.. Your cab should be wired in series/parallel as 8ohms (since you’re using 8ohm speakers.)

    Honestly, the amp manual should tell you what’s compatible. You mentioned that it is a stereo amp / you have to run 2 cabinets. Does the manual mention impedance required for each amp? If it’s two separate amps, your only concern is to meet the demand of each amp. So if the only option is 8ohm, you’d be best to have 2 – 16ohm speakers, wired in series. You still have the option of running your 2 – 8ohm speakers in series, but you’d be running a 16ohm load.

    I don’t know much at all about the amp, but if it’s powered by tubes, it’s probably going to be loud enough. That said, a lot of that depends on how you eq your tone. Mids will triumph at high volumes!


    I’m looking at getting a Line 6 Spider IV 150 HD.

    Solid State

    75×2 into 8 ohms

    you HAVE to have both sides going. Its not 2 separate amps.

    My concern is how much of a volume difference is going from 8ohms to 16. Will it sound half as loud?

    Nah, it definitely wouldn’t be a jump like that. I don’t think you’d notice much volume loss at all. There’s gotta be two power amps inside it though, if you’re running in stereo.. (Or one 2 channel power amp.) I’m just wondering, is there like a L & R poweramp out on the head? or is this a combo

    In all honesty, if you’re playing with a drummer, a solid state amp isn’t the best choice – you’d be better off to get a cheap tube amp. Your bedroom tone may suffer, but you’re jam tone will be lightyears ahead.


    its a cost thing right now.

    Here is the amp I mentioned.

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