Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Forums General Discussion Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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    Anybody else play this? I received it for Christmas, for PC, and am slowly finding myself becoming addicted, lol. Only about rank 30 at the minute, I haven’t played much, but at the rate I’m going it’s going to being seriously detrimental to my guitar practice!

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    I have it for Xbox and yes its really addicting, but I was even worse for Call of Duty 4 , had to sell my first xbox because it was getting so bad! Over a years time I spent 23 days time on that game ! Its really sickening ! lol but trust me man, focus on the guitar. No one in 20 years is going to remember your rank in Call of Duty , but they will remember a great song or solo! šŸ™‚

    I play on PC, and so does a buddy of mine who just joined this site (Mcbride or something like that??)

    add me on steam!

    martyr777 is my account ID

    oh, and prepare to get OWNED! šŸ˜€

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Still have to get this one. I’ve heard awesome things about it and I loved the first Modern Warfare. I think it might be a bit before I get it though since I’m currently into some other games. I’ve been playing Red Faction: Guerrilla lately (which is awesome). And with Mass Effect 2 coming out soon that’ll probably keep me busy for a while.

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    I actually ended up getting this one sooner than I previously thought. Just finished it. AWESOME game. It has one of the most intense campaigns I’ve ever played, and the realism has definitely been taken up a notch since the last Modern Warfare. Other than the very unnecessary “airport terrorism” level, I loved every bit of it.

    Hans Zimmer also did the soundtrack for it, and it’s amazing. It really helped give the game a very cinematic feel. Will probably buy the soundtrack when it comes out.

    The Beta for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 starts this week! if you preorder through EA, you might be able to get on it.. It looks sick! Add me on steam, Sean, if you play on PC


    @Sean Conklin 10031 wrote:

    Still have to get this one. I’ve heard awesome things about it and I loved the first Modern Warfare. I think it might be a bit before I get it though since I’m currently into some other games. I’ve been playing Red Faction: Guerrilla lately (which is awesome). And with Mass Effect 2 coming out soon that’ll probably keep me busy for a while.rock01.gif

    I’m hearing good things about Mass Effect 2. I shall be epic!! šŸ˜Ž


    Currently playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. It’s way much better.

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