A short overdrive demo

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education A short overdrive demo

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    Hey guys,
    experimented with some impulse cabinet recording, using the clean channel on
    a Blackstar ht5, and the new MAR overdrive from Leqtique pedals.
    (MAR= Maestro Antique Revised, Leqtique=Japanese boutique builder Shun Nokina’s new brand).

    The tone is still quite “brittle” sounding, and I really need to continue tweaking my setup until I nail my live-tone, which this is still a far ways away from. However, it is coming along in the right direction, so this fall I should be setup with a recording tone that very closely mimics the warmth and sustain of my live rig.

    Anyways, here’s the video (a far cry from the “easy to play” tones most digital simulations produce hehe, but I like the transparency of the thing, even though you should really pick every tone with a sound like this for best effect).

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    Hey Richard, šŸ™‚

    Always cool to hear you play man! Great stuff!

    I liked your tone (as usual!) It didn’t seem too “”fizzy/brittle” to me?!? However, I’m sure you know what you are shooting for, so I believe you – LOL!

    Ya know what would be a cool comparison…try A/B-‘ing your: Les Paul–>clean-channel–>MAR drive-pedal–>Blackstar HT-5 clean-channel with just your Les Paul–>Blackstar HT-5’s overdrive/dirty-channel (tweaked to most closely approximate your “dynamic/unforgiving slightly overdriven-tone” that you achieve with the Les Paul/OD-pedal/amp-clean) That would be very cool to hear the differences/similarities IMHO! šŸ˜‰

    Even though the guitar–>pedal–>clean-amp setup might more closely resemble your live-rig, such a comparison might help some of us IG-ers who are learning the difference between the two ways of achieving overdrive (amp-dirty vs. pedal–>amp-clean) See what I mean? My plan is to do it both ways (pedal for edge-tone; amp-dirty for overdrive/distortion tone! – See below:)

    Right now, my plan for implementing my new Blackstar HT-40 is to have a “3-tone setup” (not including subtle variations with the guitar’s volume-knob of course!) with only 2-amp channels! It’ll go like this:

    *BTW, my live/gigging-guitars – (2) Blade R4’s – have Seymour Duncan Little-’59’s in the Bridge and Fender Custom-Shop/Texas Specials in the Neck & Middle positions.

    *The ZVEX-Distortron is essentially a ZVEX “Box-of-Rock” pedal with some additional higher-gain-options and some mini-toggle/switchable tone-filters…VERY COOL pedal!

    Clean-Tone: Blade Guitar–>Blackstar HT-40 Clean-Ch. *in Class AB mode/Fender-like clean!

    Edge-Tone: Blade Guitar–>ZVEX Distortron OD-Pedal–>Blackstar HT-40 *Class AB mode.

    Higher-Gain-Tone: Blade Guitar–>Blackstar HT-40 OD-Ch. *ISF at 3-O’Clock/75% UK-mode a la Marshall and 25% US-mode a la Mesa Boogie!

    *BTW, HT-40 amp/channel-switching and special-effects (Delay; Modulation; Reverb; Volume-Pedal; etc.) by BOSS GT-10.

    I’ll try to get a camera to do a rig-demo, once I get everything “tweaked” just right – LOL!

    Thanks again Richard – Great post and demo bro! šŸ˜Ž

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Ah man, that tone just sounds so smooth. Love it!

    Awesome stuff, I caught this on YouTube the other day. Very fat!

    You know guys, I was taking to Sean the other day about my setup, and now I actually am leaning towards a new plan.
    Using a Palmer PDI-03 (the loadbox/cab sim that guys like Bonamassa, Satriani, EVH have used for years).

    What that would enable me to do is to use my -74 marshall JMP lead at full blast to go straight into the soundcard via the Balanced emulated outputs. BUT, also to use the lineout-option from the Palmer to take the un-emulated signal into the sound card at the same time, adding some Recabinet impulses on that channel. That might make for a HUGE tone, and would also enable me to not only recreate my liver tone at home, but actually improve my consistency in live performances, and have a better on stage monitor tone. Of course the biggest plus is that home recording will be completely silent but with a full throttle marshall head, that’s sweet!

    Another option would be to buy a Rocktron Piranha, or that elusive H&K Access preamp, and go straight with impulses. However, that would of course then not add anything to my live rig, since my old marshall does not have FX-loop, and I can thus not use the power section of that at all.


    @Richard Lundmark 11547 wrote:

    You know guys, I was taking to Sean the other day about my setup, and now I actually am leaning towards a new plan.
    Using a Palmer PDI-03 (the loadbox/cab sim that guys like Bonamassa, Satriani, EVH have used for years).

    What that would enable me to do is to use my -74 marshall JMP lead at full blast to go straight into the soundcard via the Balanced emulated outputs. BUT, also to use the lineout-option from the Palmer to take the un-emulated signal into the sound card at the same time, adding some Recabinet impulses on that channel. That might make for a HUGE tone, and would also enable me to not only recreate my liver tone at home, but actually improve my consistency in live performances, and have a better on stage monitor tone. Of course the biggest plus is that home recording will be completely silent but with a full throttle marshall head, that’s sweet!

    Another option would be to buy a Rocktron Piranha, or that elusive H&K Access preamp, and go straight with impulses. However, that would of course then not add anything to my live rig, since my old marshall does not have FX-loop, and I can thus not use the power section of that at all.

    Hey Richard, šŸ™‚

    I’m sure you would attain a “killer-tone” with your old 1974 Marshall JMP Lead at “full-blast!” However, you’ll be really “stressing/aging” those output-tubes (6L6’s, EL34’s, or KT88’s – I suppose?!?) at a faster rate for two reasons: (1) You’d be playing the amp on full output-volume (“11” – LOL!) which really heats up and works those lovely “big-ass tubes” (with glorious results of course! :cool:) and (2) you’d be actually putting more total-hours/duty-cycle on the amp, since it would function as your “live-amp” and your “recording-amp” at home as well. The speed by which you’d be accelerating the “output-tubes’ aging-process” would certainly depend on how many hours you’d spend actually playing through that rig (cumulatively on the gig as well as at home recording guitars/woodshedding – not that you need much of that! – LOL! šŸ˜‰ Furthermore, you could always do any “non-recording-playing” through any amp you have kicking-around, which would keep a bit of “duty-cycle” off those output-tubes!) šŸ˜‰

    Perhaps you’ve considered this and factored it into your budget, but if you haven’t, it just seemed like something to consider since a quartet (I assume there are four (4)-???) of excellent-quality output-tubes are NOT cheap!!! With that (approximate) amount of use, I would think that you’d need to re-tube it every 12-15 months to maintain optimum “output-tube tone/performance?” Maybe you have a different opinion of output-tube “life-expectancy?!?” :confused:

    One thing is almost 100% certain – Your tone (live and recording) would rule the universe! – LOL! šŸ˜Ž

    Let me know what you think about this…;)

    BTW, I assume you’ve tried the Rocktron Piranha, as you ‘ve spoken highly about it’s tone/performance. So is it a really good unit? The reason I ask is because I think you can get one of those pretty cheap on eBay if i’m not mistaken?!? (My opinion of, and familiarity with the H&K Access is of course “well-documented!”) – LOL! šŸ˜‰


    P.S. Oh yeah….I don’t find the H&K Access to be too elusive…Ha-Ha!!! :p – LOL!

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€

    Yeah Bill, you make some very valid points man!!
    My amp is the old MKII series so it has the EL34’s with the old school output
    transformers. It is also a 50W head (but with the big cab of course).

    The amp won’t be going all out at “11!, but I think rather somewhere around “7”,
    to get the output punch, but not too much clipping (which would render the dynamics useless
    if using a OD in front). So, I’m thinking that actually 2 tubes every 2 years or so is a more reasonable
    estimate as to the “wear & tear” šŸ˜‰ And, any of that stuff I just buy in my firm and make tax-free withdraws, so the actual cost is minimal in that respect. So, the tone will be worth it =)
    And hell, just as guitars, they are meant to be PLAYED! hehe

    As for the Piranha, there is actually one on Ebay right now for 350US (I have lined up in Sweden for the same in mint condition as well). However, still undecided as to what I will actually go for.
    I still think I’ll go for the Palmer actually, since I can always find soem cool preamp to experiment with in the future. Heck, there is even a V-amp Pro Rack for sale for 70bucks here in Sweden, that might be cool enough when combined with cabinet impulses šŸ˜‰

    here’s the amp btw =) (this is a pic from the guy who sold it to me, before I reverted the Master VOlume mod that had been done to it, and NO my taste in decorating is NOT that bad either lol).


    Hey Richard, šŸ™‚

    Your Marshall is in EXCELLLENT SHAPE my friend, but you are right – they’re ALL meant to be played – LOL! šŸ˜‰

    BTW, that was a great decision to revert it back to the original “non-master-volume” design. That’s part of the charm/tone of those original beasts! šŸ˜‰

    Anyways, yeah considering your high-level of dynamics and “tweener-tones” used, you would want to run those output-tubes at about seven (“7”) – just enough to heat-up those “delicious-EL34’s” – LOL! šŸ˜€

    BTW, any chance we might get the honor/benefit of you giving us IG’ers an A/B comparison of achieving an overdriven/lead-tone two (2) different ways:

    1.) Guitar–>Tube-Amp (“CRANKED”)–>Impulse-Response/Re-Cabinet–>Recorder

    2.) Guitar–>Tube-Amp (“SEMI-CLEAN”)–>OD-Pedal–>I.R./Re-Cabinet–>Recorder

    I think it would be interesting AND educational to compare & contrast these two (2) “age-old-ways” of achieving one’s “overdriven lead-tone.” šŸ˜Ž

    If you have the time for such a test, I’m sure I would NOT be the only one who’d appreciate and learn from it! šŸ˜‰

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€

    *Taking notes* I will surely record such a comparison as soon as I have a palmer at my disposal!
    Great idea man!

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