Cover of Satriani’s Always

Forums Listening Lounge Cover of Satriani’s Always

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    Yeah, and I got bored of practicing exercises so thought I’ll record my cover version of Satriani’s Always.

    I know this cover has been attempted many times, so it might be boring to watch. But this song was always on my list of songs which just have to be learnt.

    Thanks for watching and please let me know your thoughts.


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    Very very cool. I could tell that from the first few notes that this is gonna be something that will be enjoyable to watch. There were a few spots that were kinda iffy, but other than that it was nicely executed. šŸ˜€

    BTW, what Ibanez is that? I can see the monkey grip on the body so I am assuming it is a Vai sig. But because of the sad lighting, I can’t really tell what model.

    Hey Robert, Thanks for your comments. I know you cover Satch a lot, so I’m pleased that you took time out to watch it.

    I’ve been practicing this song quite a bit. One point which is sad is that although I’ve broken it down into parts which I can practice, I end up playing the entire song over and over! šŸ™‚ Good for the soul but bad for my time. šŸ˜€

    Yeah, some parts are quite rusty. I hate legato!

    The guitar is an Ibanez JEM-Jr. Not really a Vai sig, but mass produced I guess.



    Hey Rohan thanks for posting that šŸ™‚ sounds good :cool:some parts need work but overall good stuff indeed:) looks like you were having fun playing this cover which is so so important šŸ˜Ž was the sound of the fan in the background intentional ? lol:p


    the tone is great.. and you certainty have the technique
    but I thing you missing a lot the “Satch feel”.. or whatever..
    and one thing I didn’t like is how you stop the strings from ringing after a section..keep them ringing
    put some vibe on it and show us your feel as a musician..
    maybe it’s just me.. but that’s my opinion..

    Thanks for the comments. Yeah, I definitely need to work on the parts but I thought overall I got the song well within my grasp which is a big deal for me. Its my first Satch cover I can play completely! šŸ˜€

    Hey Bill, I always thought what was that weird sound. Will leave the ceiling fan shut next time. šŸ˜®

    RoEm, I thought I got the satch feel in this song, but maybe cause I play picking instead of legato for many of the runs it sounds weird. I need to work on my legato. šŸ˜”



    usually legato parts are easier..
    people actually usually try to play fast runs in legato instead of alternative picking..
    after their good enough they realize that it just doesn’t sound the same..
    another thing I said was about the fact that you stop you strings from ringing.. while satch usually
    let them go all around the place with vibe..

    the thing about the feel I said was more of amm opinion..
    this might be your style of playin’.. and that’s fine, I just prefer Satch’s XD

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