I am a real newby. LOL

Forums Introduce Yourself I am a real newby. LOL

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    I am in Dickinson, TX. I own 7 guitars, Aucustic, Electric, and electric bass. Also one really cool banjo and a Yuke. Problem is, I have all these wonderful toys and have no idea how to use them. They have been decorations in my play room for years. I have the amps and all the gear. Just need the knowledge. So starting today I am going to learn how to play these fine instruments. So here is my challenge. I am a 54 year old no music skill want to be. Time to get moving. I can play a few songs by notes only. Have never learned a single chord. I do know the fret board and can play simple notes from any sheet of music. I was a trumpet player 35 years ago, so I do have a little back ground. Now it is time to progress.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Welcome John! Being a beginner with 7 guitars is a rare and awesome situation! haha Wish I had that many axes when I was beginning. Do you have any of your trumpet playing online that we could hear?

    Hope you enjoy the lessons! šŸ™‚


    No online trumpet. That was a stage band in high school. Been many years and long forgotten. But I can still read the music and pick out the notes on the neck. Have a little problem with the bass cleft but I can even work through that if I want to play something on the bass. I have always loved the guitar and asked for one to learn a few years ago for Christmas. Then several different friends got me one. I bought the banjo when I got the guitars. I don’t know how I got the yuke. I think it was left in my game room by someone who was using my guitars to play at a party I tuned it like my guitar and play kids songs for my grand kids.

    I still play the trumpet from time to time, and the fife for marches in the civil war re-enactments around the country. Also play battle orders on my civil war style bugle. Even hit the drum from time to time on march. Not proud of my drum playing but it keeps the guys in time.


    Just downloaded TuxGuitar so I can play along with another guitar. I think it will keep me in time and I can input the lessons and play along with them as I go. Do you feel this is a good plan? I want to learn as fast as possible. So I will do a lesson and then input the tab for the lesson and play it offline along with my computer. Neat thing is, I can have my computer play directly to my hearing aids so only my playing can be heard. Sort of cheating, but it will make me less nervous while playing in front of some one and I can have my own accompaniment in my head. LOL (I hear voices that only I can import into my head.) Modern hearing aids are a wonderful thing……..

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