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Guitar Tutorial

Strumming Basics for Beginners

Instructor: Sean Conklin
Topic: Rhythm
Style: Acoustic
Level: Beginner
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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Rhythm Style: Acoustic

    Excerpt: Welcome everyone! This tutorial is designed to lay out the very basics of guitar strumming. If you're just starting out on guitar, then these lessons are for you! First, be sure to review the important posture points that I bring up in the video. Keep those points in mind, and make sure that you're completely relaxed. If you aren't relaxed when strumming, t...

    Media Length: 2:43

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Rhythm Style: Acoustic

    Excerpt: As mentioned in the video, for all our strumming exercises we'll be using chords with similar shapes. Doing this allows us to keep most of our focus on our strumming hand. Before playing the patterns below, watch the video a few times and study my timing and form. Then when you're ready, give the patterns a try. I'd also highly recommend that you count th...

    Media Length: 1:18

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Rhythm Style: Acoustic

    Excerpt: Now let's try some patterns with the C and FMaj7 chords. These patterns are a little more difficult because there is a lot more silence between the strums. The more silence there is, the more responsible you are for keeping good timing during the silence. Strum Pattern #4 is especially tricky. There is a lot of silence between the strumming motions. Make ...

    Media Length: 1:08