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Guitar Tutorial

Blues Rock Etude

Instructor: Martin Miller
Style: Blues
Level: Beginner
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  • Instructor: Martin Miller Level: Beginner Topic: Improvising Style: Blues

    Excerpt: Hey IG! This is the first installment of a three-part series on the good ol’ Blues. We’re going to take three steps, so each of the three tutorials will deal with a different type of blues, increasing in difficulty. This very tutorial is created to help guitarists out that want to get into some basic, tasteful blues lead playing as well as a rhy...

    Media Length: 0:34

  • Instructor: Martin Miller Level: Beginner Topic: Rhythm Style: Blues

    Excerpt: This is a 12-bar shuffle blues rock in E. The rhythm is based around a riff that repeats over and over and is put of every chord of the form. Be sure to internalize the 12-bar form perfectly until you can play through it in your sleep before attempting the actual lead part.

    Media Length: 0:57

  • Instructor: Martin Miller Level: Beginner Topic: Improvising Style: Blues

    Excerpt: Now on to the lead playing! The lines in this solo etude are based around both the E major (nicer sound) and minor (dirtier, bluesier sound) blues scales. They lead you through several positions over the neck, use different type of rhythms as well as a few important clichés, such as the bending lick in the fourth bar. Be sure to check out all the oth...

    Media Length: 1:09

  • Instructor: Martin Miller Level: Beginner Topic: Improvising Style: Blues

    Excerpt: This is the backing that fits both the rhythm part and the solo example.

    Media Length: 1:21