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Guitar Tutorial

Basic Music Theory

Instructor: Robert Mussatti
Topic: Theory
Style: Any Style
Level: Beginner
Begin Tutorial
  • Instructor: Robert Mussatti Level: Beginner Topic: Theory Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: This lesson will be sort of a short one and cover the Treble Clef, the Bass Clef, Specialty Clefs, and the notes on the staffs. To start off, the 2 main clefs we will look at now are the treble and bass clefs. The treble clef, like all other clefs, fixes the position of a single pitch, which in this case is the G. That is why it is sometimes referred to a...

    Media Length: 3:01

  • Instructor: Robert Mussatti Level: Beginner Topic: Theory Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Hello. In this lesson, we will be taking a look at note values and basic notation. The most basic note is called the whole note (Ex.1). In a 4/4 time signature (which we will get to in another lesson), this note is the only note on the staff and is held for 4 beats. A whole note looks like a big empty oval. When played on the guitar, you hold the note from...

    Media Length: 6:02

  • Instructor: Robert Mussatti Level: Beginner Topic: Theory Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Hi there you lovely people. I now bring you a lesson on the circle of fifths. The circle of fifths is a quick way to see just how many sharps and flats each major key and its corresponding minor key have. Going clockwise around the chart below takes you up the intervals of a Perfect 5th. C major is shown at the top of the chart, the scale in the one o' cl...

    Media Length: 2:13