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Guitar Tutorial

Oblivion - Progressive Metal Etude

Instructor: Sean Conklin
Topic: Cool Riffs
Style: Metal
Level: Advanced
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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Metal

    Excerpt: Hi everyone out there in Infinite Guitar land! In this tutorial we're going to learn a piece I wrote called "Oblivion". One thing I'd like to emphasize in the beginning is that I don't ever want you to just "learn a piece" and then leave it at that. I want you to take ideas and techniques that you learn from this song and then incorporate them into your own...

    Media Length: 1:46

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Metal

    Excerpt: In this video I played the song at a slower tempo (90bpm as opposed to the original 123bpm). I also took out the other instrumentation so you can hear the guitars more clearly. Below I'll paste the section by section analyisis from the previous page. Then once you have all the sections down, head on over to the next pages for the backing tracks! In bars 1-...

    Media Length: 2:22

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Metal

    Excerpt: Here we have the backing track! Now, even if you're an advanced player, I'd still recommend starting with the slowed-down backing track on the next page. Get everything memorized with clean technique before you try playing it up to speed.

    Media Length: 1:45

  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Metal

    Excerpt: On this page you'll find the backing track at a slowed-down tempo of 90bpm. I hope you have fun learning this song!

    Media Length: 2:22