Hey everyone and welcome to this new tutorial on Hybrid Picking!
For the uninitiated, Hybrid Picking is a technique which requires the use of pick and right hand fingers. It's a technique which is used by all manner of guitarists such is the effectiveness of the technique.
There are many benefits to using this technique. For me the main advantage is tone. As a classical player I have always preferred the sound of fingers on strings as opposed to a pick. I also like the way it feels when I play using my right hand fingers. By using fingers and pick we get the best of both worlds. This technique can also make light work of music what may be exceptionally difficult to play with pick alone and for me this is worth its weight in gold!!
I often use a particular piece for practicing my Hybrid Picking skills and it is that piece which we will be the focus of our study today. Etude #1 was written by the composer Heitor Villa Lobos and forms 1 of 12 studies which were written for classical guitar. The patterns throughout the piece lend themselves exceptionally well to Hybrid Picking.
With that said let's head on over to the next video to check out our study in action.