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Guitar Tutorial

Pentatonic Finder

Instructor: Richard Lundmark
Style: Any Style
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  • Instructor: Richard Lundmark Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Welcome guitar slingers! The goal of the ”Pentatonic Finder” tutorial is for you to be able to improvise freely across any key changes, anywhere on the neck, and learn how to conceptually visualize scales and keys, and using scale superimposition. Before launching head on into this tutorial, I must advice you to first backtrack and review my ot...

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  • Instructor: Richard Lundmark Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: So, to start off with, we need a chord progression to play over that changes keys. For arguments sake let’s say the progression is A7, D9, C9, G7. Remember, we want to treat this chord change as 4 separate keys, not all part of the same key of A and just play the Amin blues scale on top of it (which could work as well, but that’s not the topic of...

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  • Instructor: Richard Lundmark Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Next, we will look at the next change in the progression, which will be from D9 to C9. We were in the 4th box of the Dmin Blues Scale, so which box must we utilize to keep ourselves within the 4-9 fret area? Right you are, the 5th box in C it is! And here is what you should visualize over the change, D 4th position, superimposed by C 5th position Ready...

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  • Instructor: Richard Lundmark Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Well, you know the drill by now. Time for the change between C and G. Here’s the correct box in G, which will be the 2nd. And here’s C superimposed by G. Turn the page for the final change!

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  • Instructor: Richard Lundmark Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: And finally, here’s the change between G7 and A7. You already know that the 1st box of A is what goes, so without further ado, here’s G superimposed by A Now turn that page!

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  • Instructor: Richard Lundmark Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Now that you have that down, it’s time to take it to the next level. You should now start practicing this method, choosing new areas of the neck to cover. Say you choose to cover the area of 10-15th fret. If we are in the same progression, A, D, C, G, then what would the corresponding boxes be? Answer is A=4th, D=1st (you could also use the second, you...

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