Ahh, the Grinch, the furry little green devil of Christmas that just won't leave us alone! But, in the spirit of his genial personality and insanity, I've devised a special treat for all you Grinches out there.
If you've studied any of my tutorials, you're sure to have come across me rambling on and on about the importance of timing and alteration as a key to improvisational freedom. This exercise comes at you in this spirit. What we have here is a triplet rhythm super-imposed over the very first chromatic Elf-exercise. Now this might seem like a piece of fudge cake at first glance, but try it out and you will see that it is not so. It is deceptively tricky and will turn your face into a beautiful hue of Grinch-green before you're done with it! And once you are done, you then of course should apply it to any number of other rhythms as well.
One other idea would be to take the same idea as first presented here, and just apply it to any of the other examples in this tutorial. Below is a tabbed example of how this rhythm would look super imposed over the A minor scale, played in sixths.
I'll leave you with that brain twister and wish you Happy Holidays! See you in January for a new tutorial where we will look into some gear usage (and perhaps it will give you some ideas about how to get the most out of all the fun gadgets you'll get for Christmas!)