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"Solace" - Acoustic Fingerpicking

Sean Conklin 456 lessons

In this lesson we'll be learning a short acoustic piece called "Solace". When I compose, I really enjoy taking chord structures and incorporating open-string themes throughout a passage. So in this lesson, be sure to observe how we take simple Major and minor chords and add color to them by adding the open strings (in this case we'll primarily be using the open G and High E strings).

We won't be needing our pick in this lesson. It's time to fingerpick! Use your thumb for the bass notes (A and D string notes), then use whatever finger(s) feel comfortable for the other notes. In the video, you'll see that I just use my thumb and middle finger. However, if you feel comfortable using more fingers to play the notes, that's fine too.

Lastly, I want to point out the dynamics I used in this piece. I slightly altered the timing and volume of some notes to give a bit more texture and feeling to the music. In some parts I added slight pauses, and in other parts I variated the volume of the notes. Once you've learned the actual piece straight through, experiment with your dynamics.

Have fun!

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