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  • #22080

    “A Nightmare To Remember” – Dream Theater


    Jesum Crow…:eek:

    Superb cover of an otherwise VERY difficult song. Although I really don’t care for the composition itself as it has way too much 2 hand tapping arpeggios for my taste, the fact that you’re able to cover it so accurately defies description.

    …I guess I’m just stewing in my own anger cause I an such a horrid tapper and will NEVER be able to play anything even CLOSE to what I just saw. :p

    I’ll just go back to learning my jazz tunes now…:o


    @arc_of_descent 7678 wrote:

    Its all the hype these days. 😀 Put simply, I think of it as facebook minus all the additional baggage. So its something like your FB status update which is broadcast to all your followers as well as the public timeline. In twitter you can also exchange direct messages.

    It has tremendous business value for companies and aritsts IMHO. For example, the Line 6 twitter feed ( offers you product updates, news, blah blah if you follow it. Similarly, Line 6 can track the “tweets” of its followers as well as the general public to find out what they are saying about its products. Same for artists.

    I’m following Rick on twitter, and can get to know what he has for breakfast! 😮


    Ahh I see. Well, I don’t think I’ll be using it then. 😀 I have a hard enough time with Facebook seeing as I never use it really. Myspace is enough for me and my simple mind.:p


    Can someone explain to me what twitter is exactly and what you can do on it?


    Hey raph69,

    It looks like you nailed it from observing your left and right hand movements in correlation with the track itself, but once again I can’t really distinguish your playing from John’s. Not to bash your playing at all but I find that people tend to cover up their mistakes by letting the track play over them instead of them playing over the track. So next time you do make a video, try to make sure that we can clearly hear you playing instead of having you drown yourself in the backing track.

    Just a little friendly tip.;)

    Also, you seem to pick EXACTLY like I used to. It’s so weird…:p


    @billmeedog 7456 wrote:

    Hey Rob, 🙂

    I’ve been a big “A.D.” Fan for a long time (about 27 years – although you’d never guess from my “sub-standard right-hand alternate-picking technique!” – LOL!) Anyways, some great stuff! BTW, guys like John Petrucci, Zakk Wylde, and Steve Morse are all self-proclaimed “DiMeola Disciples” (thus their picking-prowess!) Ya know what I like about DiMeola? (besides the obvious picking prowess) I always thought his guitar-tone and his compositional skills were underrated! Also, check out some of the “latin” elements in his rhythms…Wow! What a GREAT rhythm player (an oft-overlooked element in many guitarists’ skillsets – IMO!) 😉 😎

    BTW Rob, did you ever read that Private Message I sent you bro? Lemme know! :confused:

    ~Bill Meehan~ 😀

    Yeah Bill, I did get your P.M. Just so you know… ummm… I haven’t talked to them about it yet. I don’t know why I’m being such a pu*** about it. lol

    Also, I’ve never heard of Zakk Wylde being influenced by Di Meola. Where did that come about cause judging by his playing, he really doesn’t seem like he’s the player who would have been into him that much.


    It looks like you got it pretty spot on but it’s REALLY hard for me to distinguish between JP’s playing and your playing on here.


    Dream Theater- Black Clouds And Silver Linings.

    This is truly an incredible album. ALOT better than Systematic Chaos, that’s for sure!


    Hey Bill, you guys did a great job. Although I really don’t like tool I do appreciate everything they have done as musicians and that they do make really quality music. You guys did a great job covering them. You got their sound down almost perfectly. 😉

    I think I enjoyed watching all the ladies dancing in the front row, especially that one chick in the black and white stripped top. Yum.:p I wish we’d get some of those at our gigs; alas all we have are people headbanging and moshing. 😎

    But I think I am going to have a talk with the drummer and bass/singer. The crap they pull needs to stop. The gig in Chicago on Saturday made me realize a few things: 1. No more smoking weed during a gig day, ESPECIALLY while driving. If they get caught, I am guilty by association, the car get’s towed, all the gear gets confiscated, we all get big-ass fines and probably whisked away to the police station. 2. No more crappy venues. we need to be booked in legitimate clubs. 3. We are going to get paid. None of this “Door” ****. A flat rate up front when we get there, or at least a deposit down before we play and the rest when we’re done. I’m sick of getting screwed out of money by tool-bag promoters who don’t know what they are doing. If it happens again I’m calling my main guinea to straighten out the guy who is withholding our pay. 4. They need to stop showing up late to practice. This is just inexcusable. It’s precisely why we’re not tight anymore. not only do they constantly show up late but the drummer sometimes leaves rehearsal early to go score weed. He’s in his mid 30’s and has a kid, he needs to grow up.

    …sorry about all that, I just had to get that all off my chest. You guys did a great show on there. keep those live vids coming Bill. 😀


    @Sean Conklin 7204 wrote:

    Congrats on the new amp Rob! You should post a sound clip of it if you have one. 🙂

    And best of luck with the audition. Let us know how it goes!

    If I can get my camera back from my friend, I’ll do a little tone video of it. Now I just have to buy a new 4×12 cab for gigs because the amp speaker output is set for 15 ohms minimum and the one I use a rehearsal is only for 8 ohms.


    Ok guys, another vid has been uploaded from the show. This song is called “Trench Warfare”



    Dream Theater – A Nightmare To Remember

    (4:00-7:30. One of the most inventive and beautiful things they have written in YEARS)


    @Sealer 7110 wrote:

    Hey Robert! Nice to see you have a band going!

    Did I hear some Overkill and Metallica influences there 🙂 ? That’s a good reference, that’s for sure! I also agree that the solo fit the song very well although (or maybe because) it was short. Well played, man. What I think you should work on is the stage presence – talking with the guys from my new band, they say occasionally “rock music should be played at the pocket height” – try lowering your guitar a bit, and if you’re playing a tricky part like the arpegio/tapping, grab it and turn it a bit more vertical. And keep headbanging when playing 😀 .

    Cheers mate and good luck with your playing!

    You did, man. We are very much influenced by old school thrash stuff like Metallica, Anthrax, Testament, Exodus, Kreator, Overkill, SOD, Slayer, Iron Maiden etc.

    Yeah I do need to work on my stage presence a bit but lowering my guitar is out of the question because for one, it looks stupid (IMO) and two I can’t play anything comfortably when it’s that low. Besides, it will be more fun once you see the song when everyone starts throwing their empty beer cans at us. THAT was fun! 😀

    Yeah the solo section is short so I decided to write one that fit the time frame and the song perfectly which resulted in a nice dominant diminished/melodic minor solo. Trust me, the new song we’re working on has me soloing for a good minute or so.:p

    Besides, this was my very first time playing in a live situation and I think I pulled it off well. 😉


    Pat Martino – Lean Years


    Actually, the Steve Vai solo I wanted was from the song “I Would Love To”

    My bad… I’ve got a bit of a hangover…:o

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