Huge guitar battle on the way in the UK, and I’m in the running, lend me your support

Forums Music, Bands & Artists Huge guitar battle on the way in the UK, and I’m in the running, lend me your support

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    That’s right, Guitar Idol has just launched and the final swill be held at the London Guitar Show in June.
    Ten finalists will be put through, based on internet votes only (members only can vote).
    So what we have here is an interesting dilemma. Will the guys that plays the best go through, or will the guys with the most buddies win? Make sure to throw down your vote on who you like best!
    And yeah, I’m the running as well, and if you like what you hear, give me some of your vote sugar šŸ˜‰

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    Nice video…I’m also..cough-cough…in the competition so you could…cough-cough…check out my entry too!

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