Lesson Structure – Intermediate Player

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education Lesson Structure – Intermediate Player

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    I’ve been a previous Infinite Guitar subscriber, and decided not to renew a while back because I found I wasn’t using the site as much as I thought I would.

    I’m wondering if there’s a structured lesson guideline to go by, or if I could speak with an instructor to talk about what I’m trying to accomplish and they could let me know a lesson structure to follow. From what I’ve seen all the lessons seem to be somewhat at random. If I have a path to follow, and I work on accomplishing something I think that will motivate me more. From the lessons that I did take, they were very helpful and I know there are some quality instructors on this site, so I’m keen to see if purchasing a subscription again is a path I want to take for my playing. Input is greatly appreciated.

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