Video: My Bach Tribute

Forums Listening Lounge Video: My Bach Tribute

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    WOW… this video is well over a year old now… and I’d written this more than a year before making the video…

    ….I need to write some stuff.

    Enjoy. Not my finest work, but still something I enjoy playing from time to time.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    I think I actually saw this video a long time ago.

    Great job man. Rockin stuff!


    Probably did. I had it posted on firestream way back.

    And there was also the origonal video of my performance of it at the guitar recital I wrote it for. So yea… 2+ years I’ve had videos of it floating around.

    I still need to get around to tabbing out the 3rd movement of moonlight sonota. That’s my next big classical project.

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