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Forums Introduce Yourself Hi everybody!

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    Hello to everyone here! :)I want to introduce myself: I’m Nicolás Puga from far far away ( Lima, Peru:cool:). I’m 20 (21 soon) years old and from now on, I’m in the pursuit of my career as a Guitarist and that’s the main reason why I joined, I felt this was the right community to get involved with in my search for new guitar skills, also, I really love the style of two of the IG teacher (Al Jospeh and Rick Graham:p) so I’m looking forward to be a part of this site, and to get better and better.

    Cheers 🙂

    Nicolás Puga

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Welcome Nicolas! Glad to have you! What’s your axe of choice?


    Well, not so much of a choice as it was a gift to me :), but I own a Yamaha RGX-520FZ. Pretty darn good guitar for the price.

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