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Tutorial - The 'Howe' Vibrato
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The 'Howe' Vibrato - Intro and Concept

Steve Hubbard 107 lessons

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Hi folks!

Today's lesson is on a very popular technique, used in modern fusion! I am of course referring to the famous 'slide vibrato' used by the great Greg Howe, that has become extremely popular over the last 10 years or more.

A few quick things to point out about the examples that I will show in this tutorial:

- All based in E minor / Dorian

- Can be played with a swing feel

- Techniques used can be modified for your preference

To start things out, let's take the time to practice doing the vibrato! First, start off with doing the vibrato on a single note, with no connecting lick. After you feel comfortable with it, try to play a simple run, or a few notes, and apply the technique where desired.

Once you feel you have a feel for it, move on to the first example, for some heavily influenced 'Howe' licks!

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