My first instrumental track with Rash guitar +Axe-Fx Ultra

Forums Listening Lounge My first instrumental track with Rash guitar +Axe-Fx Ultra

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    Hi everybody.
    I liked to share my new guitar track:
    It´s been long time since I started to record this and the problem was the lead tone.
    I started this song when I got my first Rash guitar and did all the backing guitars with Triaxis.
    Somehow I felt that I can´t find good lead tone for my song. But then I got my Axe-Fx Ultra…
    …After that my Triaxis rig has no lights and Ultra has been used almost every day
    After all I found my lead tone to fit this song and all I can say that I´m very happy with it.

    So if you have few minutes time, please listen to my song and give some feedback.

    Drums are just some audio drum loops, so a bit boring, but this is all about guitar and my passion for this new guitar I got and Axe-Fx.

    I hope you like it!

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  • Replies
    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Very nice. Some great songwriting and melodies in that track. I thought it got better as the song went on too. Keep it up man! 🙂

    I really, really enjoyed that mate. Very, very good!!


    Thanks guys so much!
    I try to play from my heart and its so great to hear that something has been done right:)
    I was a bit nervous what people would think about my playing and songwriting, as Im not professional at this… still learning big time…
    Thank you!


    That was awesome! Great tone and I like your pharsing! 🙂

    Really cool stuff mate!
    How’s that Axe-FX working out for you? You prefer that over the Triaxis? For real? :eek::eek:
    would you mind expanding on that a bit?

    I opted to get myself an old Mesa Quad, now hunting for a 90 or 50 mesa poweramp.
    That tune of yours, very slick bro! Reminiscent of Govan’s “Fives” no?


    Thanks for your comment! Always great to hear something from great guitar player!!

    Hmm, abut that intro lick… yes I can now hear some “Fives” mood there, somekind of subconscious thing maybe when composing…It was not my exactly influence for the song. Sure its not that complicated lick. GG is sick, and I don´t get close to that even if I tried!

    Yep, I definitely love Axe more than Triaxis. It´s very weird because I´m a big Mesa fan and love the tube sound!
    But from now on, all backing guitars will be recorded with axe too, it´s just so easy.
    It´s so powerful tool for recording and very easy to get good tones out of it.
    I´m still very amateur with that unit, but i believe that with some more time it will give me even more great things, because I got so many good lead tones in very short time. With Triaxis I was always just looking for it and never fully satisfied… now I have different problem, can´t really decide what tone to use from Axe 🙂
    Few things about it that I really love…
    You can record even at night, and when the tones are done with good speakers and high volume, you can be sure that the quality is good even recording with headphones.
    You don´t have to know anything about guitar recording to get pretty good results.
    Dont need to mess up with mic placements or mics at all.
    You can tweak it always when you get some gas for new gear, and often it helps for that gas and you don´t need to buy anything (sure it´s always cool to have new toy 🙂
    There is very big community and good info abut Axe that helps you to get really good results pretty fast.
    Presets can be shared, so you can get very good tones like that too.
    You can backup everything
    No tube costs, or breaking them.
    No heat in your small homestudio 🙂

    About live situation I can´t be 100% sure about the axe. Currently I don´t have any band rehearsals, but my goal is to use it with my 2:90+2x12rectos.
    Maybe one signal to amp+cab and one direct to the mixer…who knows. You can use different tones for them both same time… Plenty of possibilities.
    Tones sure need some tweaking for that, but I´m pretty sure the tone is there!
    I can understand that this unit is not for everyone, and may lack some real amp feeling, but it´s very close to that so I´m ready to ignore that if I must to.
    Wrong settings can get you very far from that real amp feel, so it´s best to keep tones as simple as possible…

    For poweramp, I love 90… it´s just killer amp!
    Sure it´s very heavy weight, but the tone and power is heavy weight too 🙂

    Thanks for reading this and listening my clip!
    I hope there is something else too, than just that “fives” mood that´s not even close to that quality of music, playing and composing 🙂

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