Hi folks! Thanks for checking out this tutorial.
In this lesson, I’m providing a number of example licks, in the style of ‘country-rock’. Though these runs may have a distinct ‘twang’ to them, they can be used in a number of different styles! Let’s face it- today’s ‘country’ music, sounds more like classic rock, than it does country- especially the guitar playing. That said, there is a lot of great guitarists that play in the country scene, and I firmly believe that it is a style that all guitarists should touch on.
In the following examples, we will be working in the key of G. You will notice that these runs are heavily focused on the minor blues pentatonic scale, and are VERY much alike the type of licks that I would play in a funk/fusion scenario. Chromatic notes are common, and the overall note choice is similar.
Let’s move on to the next video, to dig into some toe-tappin’ examples!