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Tutorial - Legato
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Legato - Pull Off and Stretching Practice

Robert Mussatti 91 lessons

In this lesson, we will be going over Pull-Off and stretching exercises. Now, for the pull-offs, the trick is that you're not just simply lifting your finger off the fretboard, you're actually pulling the string off of the fretboard. A good way to go over this is with doing Trills, which are rapid flurries of hammer-ons and pull-offs, which is in Example 1. Doing this also will build strength and endurance in your left hand as well. (Ex.1)

A way to also help with legato is going over some stretching exercises by combining the trills with the hammer-ons we learned earlier. Be sure to do these on all strings and different fretboard locations.(Ex.2)

In the next lesson, we will be combining all of these techniques and use them in different legato licks using various finger patterns and attacks.

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