If you desire to effectively implement tapping into your playing, you need to make sure that you are very comfortable finger tapping through scales. Finger tapping is a popular and sometimes necessary element to lead guitar playing. And if you want to be a successful lead guitarist, you will need to know how to apply finger tapping to your scales.
In the next couple lessons, we are going to utilize the B minor pentatonic scale. We will be tapping through the 1st and 2nd modes. If you are unsure what all this means, don’t worry, the scale is outlined in the picture below. Notice the dots have different colors. The green dots represent the notes you’ll play with your fret-hand. The orange dots represent the notes you’ll tap with your tapping hand.

In this exercise, you will be descending on the B minor pentatonic scale while playing three notes per string. To “descend” means to start from a higher note and progress toward a lower note. Make sure each note is equal in volume.