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Seventh Arpeggios: Exploiting Shapes - Introduction

Rick Graham 210 lessons

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What I'd like to do in this lesson is progress a little further with our arpeggio knowledge. Yes, we have already looked at seventh arpeggios however, as you will recall, the previous lesson was really concentrating on playing exactly the same notes but in different positions for each arpeggio to give a different timbre to it. What we will be doing here is exploiting the way 7th arpeggios fall on pairs of strings.

Whenever we play seventh arpeggios using two notes on every string a very magical thing happens; the shapes for each pair of strings is EXACTLY the same. This can help us in a variety of different ways. It can really help your knowledge of the fretboard because it is possible to play an arpeggio over a fairly wide range knowing only one shape for a pair of strings. This saves a lot of time and can really help us to traverse the fretboard with a greater understanding of positions.

What I'd like you to do is learn each arpeggio, but really focus on the initial shape on the first pair of strings. Once it makes sense, you will be flying all over the fretboard in no time at all!

Ok, let's do it!

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