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AP Phrasing - Video

Pavel Denisjuk 37 lessons

Hey there guys! Welcome to my little tutorial on Alternate Picking Phrasing. You can also call it "Melodic Sequencing" as we'll use sequences to build a melodic solo and practice a bit of phrasing using sequences.

Phrasing in playing is just as important as in talking. When you talk with somebody you sure do put some breaks in your sentences to be able to breathe and than continue talking. In playing we use the same approach but not to make US breathe - but to make the SOLO breathe.

Even in shred solos, making pauses is a good thing to do. So, watch the video, learn the tab and than get on practicing phrasing. As you can see we also put some vibrato on each last note of the phrase to make it "sing" and we do it with pinky which is also a good thing to practice as it is our weakest finger.

Once you're done learning this piece, go to the next part of the tutorial and have fun with backing track.

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