The Locrian Natural 6 has a very dark sound to it because of the minor 2nd, minor 3d and diminished 5th. Like the Locrian mode, with this mode you can usually use over a min7b5 chord. Another cool fact about this mode is because of the b3, b5 and b7, it has a nice bluesy sound to it.
We get a fair amount of minor chords formed from this mode, but because of the b5 in it, it gives them all a diminished quality.
1-b3-b5= Diminished Triad
1-b3-b5-b7= Minor 7b5
1-b3-b5-b7-b9= Minor 7(b5b9)
1-b3-b5-b7-b9-11= Minor 11(b5b9)
1-b3-b5-b7-b9-11-13= Minor 13(b5b9)
There are other chords that can be formed from this mode.
1-b5-b7= incomplete minor 7b5
1-b5-b7-b9= incomplete minor 7(b5b9) 1-4-b7-b9= sus7b9
1-b3-6-b7= Minor 6/7
1-b3-b7-11= Minor 11
This mode could also be played over some altered dominant chords for an "outside" or altered sound because the b3rd could also be thought of as a #9. This also can be played over dominant chords which have a b5, #9, #11 or b9 in it, or any combination of the 4
1-3-b7= Dominant 7
1-3-b5-b7= Dominant 7b5
1-3-b5-b7-b9= Dominant 7(b5b9)
1-3-b5-b7-b9-#9= Dominant 7(b5b9#9)
1-3-b7-#11= Dominant 7#11
Locrian Natural 6 Vamps. If you decide to use this over any of the altered dominant chords shown above, the b3, b5 and b2 are going to be the tension tones in this scale. Remember that when resolving tension tones, they resolve up or down a step (either a half step or whole step)
Vamp #1: (Am7b5/Am11)(Use A Locrian Natural 6)
Vamp #2: (E7#9/E7b9)(Use E Locrian Natural 6)
Vamp #3: (Cm13/C13b9)(Use C Locrian Natural 6)
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